Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Know the pains in pregnancy

Pain is a normal part of pregnancy

Did you think that during pregnancy, you will see your  belly grow and have cravings? That's a dream! With so many changes happening in your body, it is natural to feel indisposed. In life and health, we tell you what pains are normal during pregnancy so that you can distinguish from the real warning signs.

Breast pain

From the first month of pregnancy, your breasts become tender and occasionally hurt you, it's normal. It will also increase considerably in size and heavy feel. For that, you can use a special support to help you reduce sensitivity and pain.


It is normal to feel a mild headache during pregnancy. This may be due to nasal congestion, fatigue, anxiety or increased blood pressure. However, if the pain is severe, stabbing, consult your doctor as it may be due to other problems such as pre-eclampsia.

Pain in the pelvis

The muscles and ligaments that support the uterus are stretching, and therefore can feel a slight pain in the pelvis. It is one of the most common pains in pregnancy.

Abdominal pain

This is a complicated pain to understand since the biggest changes in your body during pregnancy happen in your womb and this pain can have several causes.

It is normal to feel slight discomfort caused by the widening of the matrix and growth of your baby. Also common are some small contractions when the baby moves or feel Braxton Hicks contractions from the seventh month, which is nothing more than the "trials" of your womb in preparation for delivery. However, if the pain in the abdomen is very strong and sudden, do not miss the warning sign and seek medical help immediately as it may be due to an ectopic pregnancy or a spontaneous abortion.

Back pain

With each month of pregnancy, you increase the weight and your belly grow. In addition, your ligaments and joints are relaxing and the body is readjusting for your baby to grow and are ready for delivery. With the change in weight and other changes in the pelvis, it is normal that your back is overloaded and can suffer. In addition, at the end of pregnancy if the baby has grown a lot you can press the taunting column dolerites as twinges in the lower back, sometimes accompanied by leg cramps.

Yes, sometimes pain in pregnancy can be uncomfortable, many of them are normal. However, you should always consult your doctor if you have doubts, if they increase in intensity or are severe. And of course, you should try to be as comfortable and peaceful as possible during your pregnancy so that you do not affect much. In some cases, your obstetrician-gynecologist, you can recommend exercises or therapies that can help you relieve them. And remember that it is worth the wait and inconvenience because in nine months can have the best prize, a son or daughter.

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