Your body reacts differently to the different phases of the sexual response cycle that of your partner. It is important to know what those differences are, because that gives you the weapons to make your relationship stronger and could help identify signs of any sexual problems that arise.
A couple who fits well in dancing is something to behold: both move to the rhythm of music, give the appropriate steps and even seems they can guess and anticipate the moves of the partner. That rapport is not improvised for more skills you have, it is perfected. Well, the affair is something like a dance in which both know the steps and coupled to perfection. The movements do not have to be identical, you just have to know when to expect or when to accelerate, or get carried away ... all in due time.
Like the symphonies, the sexual cycle has its stages or phases. You know what? They are exactly four: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. Both men and women experience these phases, but at different rates, so do not always reach orgasm at the same time. The intensity and the response time varies by person, and knowing those differences helps you better understand the reactions of your body and your partner, and to intensify the sexual experience. Usually, the complete cycle in women lasts about 15 minutes, while the man can reach orgasm much faster, 3 to 5 minutes. So do not despair or think that you are not doing something properly if the couple can not reach orgasm at the same time.
Phase 1: excitement .
This phase can last from several minutes to several hours. Her CHARACTERISTICS:
muscle tension is increased.
- It accelerates the heart rate and breathing.
flushing (redness) of the skin as red spots on the chest and back appears.
- Nipples harden or become erect.
- The flow of blood to the genitals increases, which makes the clitoris and the inner labia swell woman. The uterus rises, pulling the vagina and making it bulky. In man it occurs erection of the penis
, scrotal skin tightens and thickens, and testes are located above the scrotum.
- Start the vaginal lubrication in women.
- Women's breasts become fuller and the vaginal walls begin to swell.
sexual flush appears on the breasts.
- Man's testicles swell, his scrotum shrinks and begins to secrete a lubricating fluid (the liquid lubricant is part of semen and sperm contains. If the woman does not want a pregnancy, should be protected while still ejaculation has not occurred).
Phase 2: the plateau
The plateau is the period between the initial excitation to the point of orgasm. What happens here?
- The changes that began in the previous phase intensify.
- The vagina continues to swell due to increased blood flow, vaginal walls and take a dark red hue.
- The clitoris of the woman becomes very sensitive, to the point that contact may make pain, and retracts under the clitoral hood to avoid direct stimulation of the penis
. The sex flush of both spreads to the chest, the abdomen, face, etc.
- Man's testicles increase in size, the head of the penis increases in diameter and glans
intensifies its color.emissions (output) of the seminal liquid.
- Breathing, heart rate and blood pressure continue to rise.
- It increases muscle tension, and muscle spasms can begin in the feet, face and hands.
Phase 3: orgasm or climax of sexual cycle.
It is the shortest stage, and usually lasts only a few seconds. Their characteristics are:
- Involuntary muscle contractions begin. In women, rhythmic contractions of the vagina occur. The uterus contracts at the same rate of vaginal contractions. In men, rhythmic contractions of the prostate and penis are produced faster, and result in the ejaculation of semen. They are decreasing in intensity and frequency after the first emissions.
- Blood pressure, heart beat and frequency of breathing are at their most intense.
muscle spasms occur in the feet.
- There is a powerful and
sudden release of sexual tension.
- The "sex flush" may appear throughout the body.
Phase 4: resolution
- During the resolution, muscle spasms disappear, and the body slowly returns to its normal operating level. The parties that had
erection bulged or return to their previous size and color.
- In women disappear flush and swelling of the nipples and breasts and clitoris regains its position. In men, after ejaculation, erection disappears progressively. The flush disappears immediately after orgasm.
- The previous effort leaves covered with sweat to the two partners.
- Some women, if they receive at this time more sexual stimulation, can return quickly to the stage of orgasm and may experience multiple orgasms. Men need recovery time after orgasm, called "refractory period" during which they
can not reach orgasm again. The duration of this period varies from one man to another and generally lengthens with age.
- This phase is characterized by a sense of well - being, closer intimacy between the two and often fatigue
Broadly speaking, these are the four stages of sexual response cycle , explained that sound a little mechanical, but are different in reality. Use this information to identify those signals in you and your partner at the next meeting so you can enjoy that "dance" it will definitely be much more beautiful and rewarding when there is love and desire to please each other.
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