Sunday, October 2, 2016

Improve your Skin in 30 Days

The first thing people see about you is your face

Do you know the difference between myths and facts? Every magazine, every vendor and every manufacturer makeup have information to share. You have to treat this information with caution and use your common sense. Do not invest in a product or process that sounds too good to be true. And knows your skin to know what is best for you.
So we ask the Doctoras Katie Rodan and Kathy Fields to prepare this report especially for you. When it comes to skin care, there is no better advice than this famous one.
Beauty is as deep as the skin. And there, deep in the skin, also are the problems: acne, age spots, sun damage and other imperfections. That's why dermatologists treat a microscopic level, combining drugs that penetrate the skin barrier in order to attack anyone responsible for skin problems process.
No medication alone can completely eradicate complicated skin problems.  The daily ritual of applying across the face and safe drugs with proven effectiveness is the only scientific way to control most skin problems.
Who do you trust when it comes to your skin? What a saleswoman received makeovers or a doctor in dermatology? We will present two of the most recognized dermatologists worldwide.
Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields met while doing their studies in dermatology at the School of Medicine at the prestigious Stanford University. The doctors, passionately determined to combat what affects most people at some point in their life - acne - created Proactiv Solution, a comprehensive and systematic treatment that has helped millions of people. But in her medical practice, Rodan and Fields doctors realized that their patients had skin problems that went beyond acne. Are now determined to do for the damage caused by the sun - spots, wrinkles, dryness - as they did for acne, defeat him once and for all!
Did you know that the sun is the worst enemy of your skin? Do not judge sun damage on the skin by a single burn. This is what makes the sun under the skin:
The sun damage melanocytes, i.e. the pigment - producing cells and dark marks.
The sun creates free radicals. These unstable oxygen molecules destroy other molecules for electron stabilizer, which damages the structures of collagen.
Exposure to the sun breaks the fibers that give elasticity to the skin and allow him to return to normal size after being stretched.
Sun exposure also stops the production of collagen and produces enzymes called metalloproteinases. These enzymes attack the collagen fibers, which are then reconstructed as a "solar scar". As the collagen changes, is reconstructed, and changes several times, resulting in wrinkles.
Damage emerge and converge, skin aging and can eventually change the RNA and DNA of cells causing skin cancer.
So protect your skin. You have to last a lifetime. And we look forward to a long life.
Were you aware that nearly 25% of adult women between 20 and 30 years old suffer from acne when his sebaceous glands (oil) are hormonally sensitive? Between daily stress and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, the "timing" could not be worse. Stress produces cortisol which encourages the hormones on the sebaceous glands stimulate and thus worsen acne. Definitely a vicious circle.

Hormonal acne in adults is difficult to cure and usually appears on the cheeks or chin and has a high probability to leave deeper marks. Would not you like to know how to handle this unpleasant problem? The Rodan and Fields doctors will explain how to do it in a scientific and reliable.

If you want to get real results, you remember to leave cosmetics in your makeup bag. Products classified as cosmetics cleanse, tone and moisturize effectively, but even super products made with the highest technology and super ingredients, will remain only on the surface of the skin. Read between the lines and discover how they have written the words carefully to say that the product "may reduce the possible occurrence of ..." No doubt this is good to make better advertising, but not to improve the skin.

Only drugs can penetrate the skin to produce real changes to problems like dark spots, blemishes or signs of aging. Would not you like to know what and how they apply? The Rodan and Fields doctors will tell you.

Your skin depends on you which is the largest organ in your body. Take care of her and it also takes care of you. This is especially true when it comes to the damage generated by the sun, uneven skin tone, acne, blemishes and rosacea. The care awareness and good habits can help almost any skin problem.

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