Thursday, October 13, 2016

9 foods to maintain younger looking skin

Over time, the skin is one of the organs of the human body faster showing more signs of age . For this reason, there are thousands of creams that will help slow down this process.

However, it is not only important to care for the skin on the outside , but is also crucial care for her inside. For this reason, we want to show 5 ideal foods for keeping you young inside and outside.

The chocolate .

The purer, kinder to the skin. Chocolate has antioxidant properties that improve the circulation of blood and skin hydration. Therefore, chocolate is ideal for maintaining a smoother skin . You can eat chocolate, or opt for external treatments such as chocolate, equally delicious.

Fish high in fatty acids and omega - 3 .

Fish with these nutrients such as salmon, help the regeneration of cells of the skin, which helps keep it constantly renewed, young and firm.

The watermelon .

Thanks to the high amount of Vitamins A and C containing, Watermelon is an ideal fruit to combat the damage the sun causes skin. In addition, as is a fruit with a high water content, will help to keep your skin hydrated and smooth at all times.

The broccoli .

Broccoli is a vegetable essential for the organism because it contains countless amounts of nutrients which beneficial to health. One is the Vitamin C , which promotes the production of collagen , which, as you know, gives firmness and elasticity to the skin. Therefore, broccoli is perfect to prevent wrinkling.

Walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds .

Nuts in general and these three, in particular, have a high content of fatty acids , which increase the production of elastin, which together with collagen, is responsible for keeping the skin smooth and firm.

Water .

Drinking water is essential for health, this is nothing new. But also it is for the skin as it hydrates the cells that compose it . As a result, water helps to prevent skin wrinkling and dry. Remember, if you want to maintain a youthful skin drink at least 2 liters of water a day , or what is the same, between 6 and 8 glasses.

Oranges, lemons, and grapefruits .

These foods are rich in vitamin C , which is essential for healthy skin component.

Brazilian nuts .

These nuts have high amounts of selenium, a nutrient that fights free radicals that appear due to high sun exposure.

Green leafy vegetables, berries and green tea .

These foods have in common the high amount of antioxidants they carry. Foods rich in antioxidants are very favorable for maintaining youthful, fresh and wrinkle -free skin.


There are some factors that produce the opposite effect to the food that I have presented above.

The main factor influencing the premature aging of the skin is too much sun , because that generates free radicals which destroy the fibers of collagen , the essential for youthful skin nutrient.

However, the sun is not the only enemy of young skin, as it follows very closely the snuff . The effect of snuff is the same as the sun. Smokers are much more likely to have premature aging of the skin than those who do not smoke.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Be prepared to talk with your children about sex: 5 Tips

Your child or teenager is approaching that time to be interested in sex. Do not expect to learn everything at school or friends. Sex education of your children is also your responsibility. In life and health are some tips so you can break the ice and talk about sex with your children.

Yes, sex! Like it or not, sooner or later your children are going to face this situation. And it's better to know what you need to know before sex unsuspecting grip and make bad decisions by peer pressure or simple lack of information.

It is true that talking about sex with your children encourages them to start their sexual life. On the contrary, better prepared for when that time comes, they know how to make healthy choices . It is, therefore, important the sooner the better sex education, and. Although many schools provide sex education, there are things that your teenagers need to learn from your advice.

We know it is difficult, so we give these five recommendations for you to prepare and break the ice.

1. Take advantage of opportunities
Do not wait for the perfect place to have a long conversation about sex. In fact, the best tips are given when the topic arises spontaneously, following a scene in a movie or talking about someone's new boyfriend.

2. Do it with discretion
Do not force them to talk about sex when they want, much less in front of other people. Look for times when they are alone to propose the issue, and realize if they are willing to talk to you.

3. Put yourself in their shoes
When you talk about sex as an adult, it is likely that they will feel distant. Sometimes it's better when you talk about your own experiences, your own fears when you were their age. Remind them once you also had their age, and now you can speak because you went through this experience.

4. Talk, listen, respect
In a conversation must participate both parties. It is not appropriate to give a sermon to your children and intimidating them with severe punishment if they have sex prematurely or who do not want. That only break trust. You can talk frankly and invite them to share their feeling about that, I mean make them free so that they can share with you without hesitation. But for that, you must be prepared to listen to what your children will mean, and above all, respect their opinions. After all, it is your own body and  their own decisions.

That way you'll be opening the door to trust your children again come to ask advice when they do not know how to face a difficult situation.

5. Do not assume, talk to them
Although many parents would like to believe otherwise, our children are not ignorant on the subject of sex. However, that does not mean they know everything . For example, many teens do not consider through oral sex can also be transmitted diseases   ( STD - Sexually Transmitted Diseases ). So we know it or not, speak to them; no doubt you'll provide them a new perspective and open the door to ask you about what they really do not know.

Do not fear the issue. Talking about sex with your children now can save many headaches later and help them to position themselves toward sex in a healthy and intelligent way. Tell them!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Women confess about sex during pregnancy

Many women fear that having sexual intercourse during pregnancy endangers the health of the baby. That's not true! Having sex during pregnancy is normal, but few women talk about this. However, in a study carried out in Portugal and published in professional circles "The Journal of Sexual Medicine , " women confessed and told the truth about sex during pregnancy.

Making love during pregnancy is normal, healthy and necessary. Most couples have an active sex life unless there is any declared risk for pregnancy , multiple fetuses ( multiple pregnancy ) or risk of preterm birth . If a pregnancy that develops normally do not have to deprive yourself of the pleasures of love. Sex during this stage can fully enjoy and strengthens the bond between you and your partner.

This is an issue that does not talk too much with your friends by shame, or if you do not know to what extent they will tell the truth. Therefore, a group of scientists in Portugal decided to interview 188 women who had just given birth (between 17 and 40 years), anonymously, to learn the truth about what women think and what they do with your sex life during the months of gestation.

For some reason, people respond more freely when they keep their identity anonymous.

Here are the curious results of the study:

  1. Almost all women said they had vaginal intercourse during pregnancy.

  1. 20% of women reported having masturbated, 38% said they had engaged in oral sex giving or receiving and 7% reported anal penetration .

  1. The frequency of sexual intercourse did not decline until the third quarter, although, interestingly, 10% of women reported being more sexually active during the third quarter than during the first months

  1. Almost 40% of women said they had lost sexual desire, and 50% said they found the equally satisfying sex. However, 28% said they did not find as satisfying as sex before becoming pregnant.

  1. 42% said they feel sexy and sensual. However, 75% said their partner found them equally desirable at this stage.

  1. Approximately 15% of women were afraid that vaginal penetration will hurt their babies but still continued to have penetrative sex.

What you match you with them? Whatever your answer, just remember that sexuality can be enjoyed in all stages of life, even when a baby is on the way. So fear not!

Monday, October 10, 2016

What happens in my body during sex? - The stages of sexual response cycle

Your body reacts differently to the different phases of the sexual response cycle that of your partner. It is important to know what those differences are, because that gives you the weapons to make your relationship stronger and could help identify signs of any sexual problems that arise.

A couple who fits well in dancing is something to behold: both move to the rhythm of music, give the appropriate steps and even seems they can guess and anticipate the moves of the partner. That rapport is not improvised for more skills you have, it is perfected. Well, the affair is something like a dance in which both know the steps and coupled to perfection. The movements do not have to be identical, you just have to know when to expect or when to accelerate, or get carried away ... all in due time.

Like the symphonies, the sexual cycle has its stages or phases. You know what? They are exactly four: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. Both men and women experience these phases, but at different rates, so do not always reach orgasm at the same time. The intensity and the response time varies by person, and knowing those differences helps you better understand the reactions of your body and your partner, and to intensify the sexual experience. Usually, the complete cycle in women lasts about 15 minutes, while the man can reach orgasm much faster, 3 to 5 minutes. So do not despair or think that you are not doing something properly if the couple can not reach orgasm at the same time.

Phase 1: excitement .

This phase can last from several minutes to several hours. Her CHARACTERISTICS:

  • muscle tension is increased.

  • It accelerates the heart rate and breathing.

  • flushing (redness) of the skin as red spots on the chest and back appears.

  • Nipples harden or become erect.

  • The flow of blood to the genitals increases, which makes the clitoris and the inner labia swell woman. The uterus rises, pulling the vagina and making it bulky. In man it occurs erection of the penis , scrotal skin tightens and thickens, and testes are located above the scrotum.

  • Start the vaginal lubrication in women.

  • Women's breasts become fuller and the vaginal walls begin to swell. sexual flush appears on the breasts.
  • Man's testicles swell, his scrotum shrinks and begins to secrete a lubricating fluid (the liquid lubricant is part of semen and sperm contains. If the woman does not want a pregnancy, should be protected while still ejaculation has not occurred).

Phase 2: the plateau

The plateau is the period between the initial excitation to the point of orgasm. What happens here?

  • The changes that began in the previous phase intensify.

  • The vagina continues to swell due to increased blood flow, vaginal walls and take a dark red hue.

  • The clitoris of the woman becomes very sensitive, to the point that contact may make pain, and retracts under the clitoral hood to avoid direct stimulation of the penis . The sex flush of both spreads to the chest, the abdomen, face, etc.

  • Man's testicles increase in size, the head of the penis increases in diameter and glans intensifies its color. emissions (output) of the seminal liquid.

  • Breathing, heart rate and blood pressure continue to rise.

  • It increases muscle tension, and muscle spasms can begin in the feet, face and hands.

Phase 3: orgasm or climax of sexual cycle.

It is the shortest stage, and usually lasts only a few seconds. Their characteristics are:

  • Involuntary muscle contractions begin. In women, rhythmic contractions of the vagina occur. The uterus contracts at the same rate of vaginal contractions. In men, rhythmic contractions of the prostate and penis are produced faster, and result in the ejaculation of semen. They are decreasing in intensity and frequency after the first emissions.

  • Blood pressure, heart beat and frequency of breathing are at their most intense.

  • muscle spasms occur in the feet.

  • There is a powerful and sudden release of sexual tension.

  • The "sex flush" may appear throughout the body.

Phase 4: resolution

  • During the resolution, muscle spasms disappear, and the body slowly returns to its normal operating level. The parties that had erection bulged or return to their previous size and color.

  • In women disappear flush and swelling of the nipples and breasts and clitoris regains its position. In men, after ejaculation, erection disappears progressively. The flush disappears immediately after orgasm.

  • The previous effort leaves covered with sweat to the two partners.

  • Some women, if they receive at this time more sexual stimulation, can return quickly to the stage of orgasm and may experience multiple orgasms. Men need recovery time after orgasm, called "refractory period" during which they can not reach orgasm again. The duration of this period varies from one man to another and generally lengthens with age.

  • This phase is characterized by a sense of well - being, closer intimacy between the two and often fatigue .

Broadly speaking, these are the four stages of sexual response cycle, explained that sound a little mechanical, but are different in reality. Use this information to identify those signals in you and your partner at the next meeting so you can enjoy that "dance" it will definitely be much more beautiful and rewarding when there is love and desire to please each other.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Pornography on the relationship does it benefit or harm?

pornography on relationship

Pornographic movies and magazines with sexual content have existed for many years. Many men, especially, are fans of pornography, but fortunately, many share his taste for it with their partner. Women are usually those that do not feel so comfortable if they discover that their partner loves movies triple X.  However, others point to enjoy them and use them as a weapon to rekindle their relationship. In short, pornography, benefit or harm your love relationship?

It is much more common for men to admit that they like to have a good time watching pornography, whether on the Internet, through magazines or watching a movie with naked women. Women, however, are not inclined both to pornography, because they prefer a real sexual encounter with their partners. It is not a secret that men respond more to visual stimuli when it comes to sex, and women, auditory and emotional stimuli .

However, some women become concerned if they find that their partner sees pornography . They wonder if their partner does not feel attracted to them or you may prefer to view pornography have sex with them.

Before worrying, I tell you that no studies on sexual behaviors that indicate that less than 5% of cases of men who love pornography, have problems in their daily lives and in their relationship because of this hobby.

Pornography becomes a problem only if your partner fails excited to have relationships rather than going to these stimuli. Or if it becomes an addiction and is no longer so interested (a) to have sex with you and spend a lot of money on "porn" or content cybersex . It can also become a problem if you realize that your partner enjoys watching sexual content that is not socially accepted or present an ethical dilemma, like sex with animals or children.

However, adult films can be used to favor the couple: both can enjoy pornography to quicken or give a new touch to their sexuality. Also the fact of watching pornography together can lead them to be more honest about your desires and fantasies .

It is likely that you or your partner see pornography to enjoy some sexual fantasies dare not tell for shame. That's when pornography can become a very useful tool to talk openly about, what you like to you, what you like him or her and what they would like to explore together.

As you can see, pornography does not necessarily mean that your partner has no interest in you. It may simply not dare to confess certain tastes or think you see it as something bad. Either way, it can be a good way to explore new ground in the sexual plane and privacy.

But if something does not make you feel comfortable (a), it is important to honestly tell your partner. Do not accept sexual behaviors you do not like simply to satisfy the other person. It is better to speak honestly and find a point where the two can fully enjoy the sexual life together, respecting the views of the other.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Sex after childbirth: when to resume

sex after child birth

Now that the baby is here, the couple has become family. Everything changes, even intimate relationships. Now the question is when resuming normal sex? Most gynecologists recommend waiting a period of 6 weeks, but there are different physical and emotional factors that influence waiting. The important thing is that the woman giving birth to fully recover and that the couple overcomes this new stage with love and understanding .

After nine months of waiting, finally, the baby is here. His arrival will go realizing how right they were who were warning them that their lives would change completely. One of those changes is precisely the relationship, including when to resume sex. When is the right time to do?

After nine months of pregnancy and labor, the woman's body needs to recover. To this must be added the fatigue, energy expenditure involves continuously meet the newborn, hormonal changes and lack of sleep, especially during the first weeks.

Gynecologists recommend resume intimate relations after the end of the postpartum period (about six weeks after birth, or what is also known as puerperal or quarantine) . Why six weeks? Because this is the time required for:

  • Unhealed points episiotomy (ie, the incision is practiced from the vagina to the anus or perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening so that the baby can more easily pass) in a vaginal delivery .

  • If it was necessary caesarean section , it is necessary to heal the abdominal incision and the uterine lining.

  • Cease normal vaginal bleeding postpartum which can take 4 to 6 weeks after delivery. Lochia is secretions containing blood, cervical mucus and remnants of placenta. These occur because after any birth, either a vaginal delivery or a cesarean delivery, the uterus begins to return to normal size and you need to remove the remains of pregnancy.

But there are other physical factors that decrease normal sexual appetite of women during the period of quarantine, including:

  • Fatigue after pregnancy and childbirth

  • The effort required baby care

  • Changes in hormone levels that cause changes in mood

  • Sore breasts for breastfeeding the baby

Physical factors are the most obvious kind, but they can add other emotional factors.  Feelings of anxiety, depression and anxiety, which are common after childbirth . The woman also may feel unattractive and insecure about the changes her body has gone through. In this respect, understanding partner is very important.

Dad, on the other hand, may feel displaced and even jealous of the child who has stolen his mother's unconditional attention before it was just for him. All these aspects, if they communicate with sincerity, will be overcome gradually, with patience and love.

And then, when you resume sex?

In the case of a vaginal delivery without complications, with the couple wait 40 to 45 days to resume intimate sex is usually sufficient. If the woman did not need an episiotomy , you may recover sooner and can resume sexual intercourse. In the case of a cesarean delivery, you should wait the full six weeks to completely heal the wound of the uterus wall.

As each woman and each pair are unique, some will decide to wait less or more as they become more prepared and relaxed feeling to the love affair. Anyway, should note that the first relationship after childbirth can be painful and annoying for women and even experience vaginal dryness. All this is normal and will disappear gradually.

Anyway, if despite performing the sexual act carefully and gently, she still feels discomfort and pain, you should consult your gynecologist. You may tear or episiotomy way sutured the cause and the solution is surgery. It should also monitor the vaginal discharge is normal. If you notice an unpleasant odor may indicate an infection and need to seek medical attention. And if he continues to blood loss (lochia) after a month, or suddenly starts losing more blood, must inform the doctor immediately.

Tips for couple

Communication between the two is crucial at this stage. It is desirable that their feelings, doubts and fears are expressed and solutions whether it be sore and not wanting to make love, or he feels displaced by the baby look. Here I give you some tips:

  • Sexual relations are not confined to intercourse. If she feels uncomfortable or sore, the couple can show their feelings in other ways. The important thing is that love is expressed. Use your imagination! Dialogue, touch and let them show much affection.

  • If there is vaginal dryness or perineal area is very sensitive, use a water - based lubricant .

  • Experiment with positions that do not cause discomfort to the woman until she is fully recovered.

  • Try to rest as much as they can as need for sex energies.

  • Do not neglect neither balanced nor drink plenty of fluids, especially if she breastfeeds the baby food.

  • Nor neglect protection if do not want another pregnancy; consult with the gynecologist.

The arrival of the Baby awaited clear! changes the interaction of the couple. But with understanding and love, the change will be to strengthen the relationship and to grow as a family. Take your time to resume intimate relationships and if she still feels excessive discomfort, not forget to meet with your doctor.

Friday, October 7, 2016

9 Things Every Woman Should Know about male sexuality

Are you one of those who believes that men only think about sex? As well as this, there are many myths about male sexuality that only distort reality. Many men do not fit these stereotypes simply because male sexuality is more complex than that made you believe. This article presents  9 facts to help you change the definition you have on male sexuality.

1. Men do not always ejaculate

There is a thing called  dry orgasm ( retrograde ejaculation )  and occurs when a man reaches sexual climax but does not release semen from the penis. The dry orgasm is usually harmless but can interfere with the ability of a man to father a child.

2. Sexual impulses are as varied as the women

A lot of men really  do not want to have sex all the time.  Surprisingly, sometimes women want more. "To me, we are socialized to think  that men are always ready for sex and that's not true," says Mic Sofia Jawed-Wessel, a researcher of gender and professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. "Men and women are not so varied in terms of sexual desire. science shows a fairly minimal discrepancy in sexual desire between couples and not always men have more desire.

3. Men can have multiple orgasms

Multiple orgasms is not a sexual experience is limited to women. In an article for the magazine Playboy , the researcher  sexual Justin Lehmiller  throws some much-needed light on this issues, concluding that "science collected to date reveals that this phenomenon is true, it is possibly more common than we think, and that it could only be a teaching skill. " The key is something called  "refractory period" , in which the body recovers after climax. It turns out that there is a part of that period in which additional orgasms are really possible.

4. Men need not have an erection to enjoy sex

Not all sex requires penetration. In an article in Psychology Today , sexual researcher Deborah Taj Anapol belied the myth that erections are necessary in sexual games. "A semi-erect penis may be more sensitive to subtle feelings and less driven to seek liberation , " he writes. "This allows a man to increase their capacity to experience and enjoy the erotic sensations through your body and contain more erotic energy that eventually can be shared with a partner, with or without penetration."

5. Not all men want to have a big penis

This point has no scientific basis, but you've probably heard more than one man or woman say this: "I had so great that hurt me." The crucial thing here is to know what positions should do to make sex pleasurable for both.

6. Men have a unique "G-spot"

The "G - spot" of women is being hotly debated, focused on whether women can have vaginal orgasms. But the concept itself, a special place that can be reached only with penetration, there for men too. If you did not know, you are in the prostate.

7. ... and can be stimulated

"The pleasure during anal stimulation or prostate has nothing to do with sexual orientation , " Jawed-Wessel interpret. "If a man finds stimulation of the prostate pleasurable, then it's wonderful. Has discovered something new to add to your sexual repertoire "

8. Men have their own version of menopause

While the phrase " male menopause " is somewhat appropriate, science has shown that  testosterone levels  fall for many men as they age.

9. Men are also insecure about their bodies

Correlation of body image and sexual desire is often seen as an exclusively female problem. Experts know that this is a lie, and so do guys like  Chris Pratt . The star of Jurassic World confessed to  Men's Health UK   that their excess weight in the past had a negative impact on your sexual desire. "I will affect not only physically, not only in the way to see you," he said. "But how you feel and how you feel your spirit and your penis. Especially the part of the penis! ".

We hope these points help you better understand your partner and have better sexual experiences.